Black or stem rust
Causal Organism:  Puccinia graminis tritici
Symptoms are produced on almost all aerial parts of the wheat plant but are most common on stem, leaf sheathes and upper and lower leaf surfaces. Uredial pustules are oval to spindle shaped and dark orange-red (rust) in color. They erupt through the epidermis of the host and are surrounded by tattered host tissue. The pustules are dusty in appearance due to the vast number of spores produce. Spores are readily released when touched.
Teliospores are produced in the same pustule. The color of the pustule changed from rust color to black as teliospore production progresses. If a large number of pustules are produced, stems become weakened and lodge. Symptoms are very different on the alternate host. Pycnia (spermagonia) produced on the upper leaf surface appear as raised orange spots. Small amounts of honeydew that attracts insects are produced in this structure. Aecia, produced on the lower leaf surface, are yellow. They are bell-shaped and extend as far as 5 mm from the leaf surface. (Plate 1)
Epidemiology of wheat rust in India
•   K.C.Mehta (1940) alternate hosts are non functional
 Scarcity of germinable teleuto material available from wheat crop in greater Plain & even in hills due to exposure to the hottest part of the year (April- June)
 Viable teleutospores are likely to be formed on crops at higher altitudes. If at all these germinated and infected barberis in monsoon such infection would be of little consequence as there is hardly any crop at that time.
 Black rust had been found to break out in plains as early as December – January i.e. 3-4 months prior to the earliest possible infection of barberis in the hills and these are none in the plains.
 There was no case on record, nor any evidence could be obtained during the studies of an outbreak if black rust starting from barberis.
 At higher altitude rust can not spread from plant to plant during winter due to severe cold.
 Therefore, it was obvious that outbreak of black rust originated largely from uredospores that oversummer in the hills.

Disease Cycle
Primary infection is mainly through barberry, i.e., Berberis vulgaris which play a role in USA, Europe and Australia, where as in India they are not known to play
any role in the perpetuation of the fungus. The source of inoculum for black rust
comes from south, i.e.,  Nilgiri and  Pulney hills. In  plains of  North  India during summer months the uredospores cannot survive because of the high temperatures. The possibilities of the fungus surviving on ratoon tillers or self sown wheat plants, late and off season wheat crops and certain grasses growing in cool areas particularly in the foot hills of Himalayas in the North, the Nilgiris and Pulney hills in the South appear to be great.
The grasses, viz., Briza minor, Bromus patula, Brachipodium sylvaticum and Avena fatua, harbour the fungus in the off-season. It is believed that the fungus over
summers on the wheat plants and grasses in the hilly areas and spreads to the plains in the main wheat crop season. In the central Nepal, the wheat crop sown in
August and harvested in December, January becomes infected by P. graminis tritici
from October. This may be a source of inoculum for the main crop sown in the plains, which becomes infected from February each year.
Nagarajan and Singh (1975)
Indian stem rust rules (ISR)
•     ISR-  I   The  occurrence  of  tropical  cyclone  (Strondepression in Bay of Bengal in Arabian sea 65-81 o East,
•    ISR-II   A  persistent  high  pressure  over  South  central
•     ISR-III A deep trough extends into south India caused by the onward movement of western disturbances.
•     If ISR I is not satisfied central India remains free from stem & leaf rust epidemics
•     If ISR II & III are satisfied than rust occurs late in crop season & with low intensity.

  Brown or Leaf rust
Causal Organism:  Puccinia recondita

The most common sites for symptoms to appear is on leaf blades and sheaths, however glumes and awns may occasionally become infected and exhibit symptoms. Uredia are seen as small brown blisters or pustules scattered on host tissue. The epidermis covering the pustule ruptures and the structure takes on a dusty appearance.
Brown spores are easily dislodged and may cover clothing, hands or implements. When the infection is severe leaves dry out and die. Since inoculum is blown into a given area, symptoms are often seen on upper leaves first. As plants mature, the brown urediospores are replaced by black teliospores. Pustules containing these spores are black and shiny since the epidermis does not rupture. Yield loss often occurs as a result of infection by Puccinia recondita f. sp. tritici. Heavy infection which extends to the flag leaf results in a shorter period of grain fill and small kernels. (Plate 2)

The fungus, Puccinia recondita, is heteroecious. The uredial and telial stages appear on wheat and some other grasses and aecial and pycnial stages on species
of Thalictrum. In India, the role of Thalictrum javanicum and T. flavum as alternate
hosts has not been precisely determined. In Russia, Isopyrum fumaroides is known to  act  as  a  natural  alternate  host.  The  uredospores  are  brown,  spherical  and minutely echinulate with 7-10 germ pores. Telia are rare, but when formed are found mostly on the lower surface of the leaf and do not rupture. Teleutospores are smooth, oblong, thick walled and brown with a rounded and a prominent thickened apex.

Disease Cycle
Yellow or stripe rust
Causal Organism:  Puccinia striiformis

Mainly occur on leaves then leaf sheaths and stem. Bright yellow pustules arranged in linear rows (Uredia) appear on leaves at early stage and at maturity, pustules are dull black lesions (telia) and hence the name stripe rust. (Plate 3)

Uredosori appear as yellowish brown pustules chiefly on the leaves. Initially the green colour of the leaves fades into long streaks and the uredia appear along them. The uredospores are almost around or oval in shape and bright orange in colour. The teliospores are bright organge to dark brown, two celled and flattened at the top. Sterile paraphysis is also present at the end of sorus.

Favourable conditions
The disease appear between the temperature range of 2-23oC with optimum
8-13oC and heavy rainfall during NovemberDecember. Temperatures of 10-15˚C and a relative humidity of 100% are optimal for spore germination, penetration and production of new, wind-dispersed spores. The fungus is inhibited by temperatures over 20˚C although strains tolerant of high temperatures do exist.

Disease Cycle
P. striiformis requires living green plant material in order to survive. The fungus survives during the winter as dormant mycelium or active sporulating lesions
on volunteers or early autumn-sown crops which provides an excellent source of
yellow rust over wintering inoculums during off  season. Yellow rust within plant tissue can survive very low temperatures so once infected the fungus will usually survive in himalyan hills. In the spring, particularly in cool moist weather, the fungus starts  to  grow  and  produces
active sporulating lesions.
The complete cycle from infection to the production of new spores can take as little as 7 days du spore   type the basidiospore,
but no alternate host has been found. Although the teliospores seem to have no function in the disease cycle they may contribute to the development of new races through sexual recombination.
No alternate host for the fungus is  known  nor it  is  known  how fungus completes its life cycle. The fungus overwinters in its uredial stage in England and other   countries.   Uredospores andormant mycelium  survive on wild hosts and self sown wheat    crops    in    the    hills.
Inoculum from this area through wind currents reaches foot hills (Gurdaspur, Ropar in Punjab, Pantnagar in Tarai (Uttarkhand) by the end of December & early January

and gets established. and establishes foci of infection and from this region spreads in northern parts of the country during January & February. In North India, uredospores or teleutospores do not survive during the hot summer months and every year fresh inoculum in the form of uredospores comes from the hills to the plains and uredospores of P. striiformis is not a regular long distances spreader and from the over wintering area in Hindukush, Sulaimanranges & Himalayas the pathogen spreads upto a few hundred kilometers.
It may overwinter on volunteer wheat plants at an altitude of about 1500 to 1800 meters in the Himalayas. The uredospores germinate after a period of dormancy and form a source of inoculum for early sown wheat crop. Some weeds like Agropyron semicostatum, Bromus catharaticus, Bromus japonicuand Hordeum murinum also serve as primary source of inoculum. Secondary infection is by wind borne uredospores.


ü  Eradication of self sown wheat plants and weed hosts in hills.
ü  Adjust time of sowing to avoid late sowing.
ü  Balanced application of nitrogenous fertilizers.
ü  Grow resistant varieties viz., WH 283, WH 542, WH 896, WH 912, WHD 943, HD 2967, WH 1105, Raj 3765 and DPW 621-50.
ü  Avoid cultivation of susceptible varieties PBW 343 and HD 2851.
ü  Spray  twice  or  thrice  with  zineb  @  0.25%  or  Mancozeb  @  0.25%  or propiconazole (Tilt) @ 0.1%, at 15 days interval.

Loose smut
Causal Organism:  Ustilago tritici

It is very difficult to detect infected plants in the field until heading. At this time, infected heads emerge earlier than normal heads. The entire inflorescence is commonly affected and appears as a mass of olive-black spores, initially covered by a thin gray membrane. Once  thmembrane  ruptures, the heaappears  black powdery mass of teliospores. Spores are dislodged, leaving only the rachis intact. In some cases remnants of glumes and awns may be present on the exposed rachis. Smutted heads are shorter than healthy heads due to reduction in the length of the rachis and peduncle. All or a portion of the heads on an infected plant may exhibit these symptoms. Other symptoms may be detected if the field is examined closely. Chlorotic streaks may also be visible on the flag leaves. (Plate 4)

Teliospres of the fungus are pale, olive brown, spherical to oval in shape. These smut spores germinate and produce promycelium or sporidium. The promycelial cells fuse and give rise to germ tubes that enter the ovary through the stigma and become established in the embryo remaining dormant until seed germination.

Disease Cycle
It is internally seed borne and is systemic. The fungus is carried over in the seed as dormant mycelium. When the planted seed germinates the mycelium becomes active. It grows along with the plant at the juncture of earhead formation

and the mycelium reaches the ovaries and transforms the ovaries into a mass of black smut spores. Teliospores (smut spores) spread occurs through wind. The sporidia infect the healthy flowers. The mycelium enters the ovary and remains in the seed as dormant mycelium.


ü  Remove the disease plants immediately with precaution.
ü  Grow resistant varieties WH 896, WH 912 and WHD 943.
ü  Hot water treatment: Soak the seed in cold water for 4 h and then immerse the seed in hot water at a temperature of 130F or 520C for about 10 minutes. Dry the seed in shade before sowing.
ü  Solar seed treatments: Soak the seed in water for 4 hours (8 AM to 12 Noon) and expose the seed to the hot sun for 4 to 5 hours (from 12 Noon to 5 PM) on cement or rocky surface. This can be practiced in the areas where the summer temperatures are high (42-440C) during May-June
ü  Seed   treatmen with   systemic   chemicals   like   Bavistin    0.2 or tebuconazole (Raxil DS @0.1%) or Vitavax @0.2% or Benlate @ 0.2%

Flag smut
Causal Organism:  Urocystis agropyri

Masses of black teliospores are produced in narrow strips just beneath the epidermis of leaves, leaf sheaths and occasionally the culms. Diseased plants often are stunted, tiller profusely and the spikes may not emerge. A severe infection usually induces the leaves to roll, producing an onion-type leaf appearance. The epidermis of older diseased plants tends to shred, releasing the teliospores (Plate
Flag smut of wheat occurs in the leaf blades, forming black stripes running lengthwise. In the early stages, these stripes are somewhat lighter than the green color of the normal leaf; later they become lead-colored and finally black because of the presence of the dark-colored teliospores produced by the fungus. They are commonly more noticeable in the upper leaves, and may be seen even before jointing is apparent in the plants. The stems (culms) often show these black stripes also. Infected plants usually are more or less dwarfed. The leaves and sheaths become twisted in some cases, and the infected culms rarely head out or produce seed. Where heads do appear on infected culms, the black stripes may be present on the glumes at the base of the head and usually are present on the culms just below the head.

Aggregated spore balls, consisting 1-6 bright globose, brown smoth walled spores surrounded by a layer of flat sterile cells.

Favourable conditions
Temperature of 18-24˚C, relative humidity 65% and above. Low soil moisture
and cool soil temperatures.

Hosts / Distribution
Bread wheat is the primary hosts of flag smut fungi, and the isolates attacking bread wheat tend to do so exclusively. There are few reports of flag smut on durum wheats and triticales. The disease is found in most winter wheat areas and in cool, fall-sown spring wheat areas.

Mode of Spread and Survival
Externally seed and soil borne. Smut spores are viable for more than 10


ü  Grow resistant cvs. WH 283, WH 896, WH 912 and WHD 943.
ü  See treatmen with   tebuconazole    1.0    Kg1 o carboxin   and carbendazim @ 2.0 and 2.5 g Kg−1 seed reduced disease to the great extent.
ü  Early or late sowing were found effective in management of the disease.

Karnal bunt
Causal Organism:  Neovossia indica

Symptoms of Karnal bunt are often difficult to distinguish in the field due to the fact that incidence of infected kernels on a given head is low. There may be some spreading of the glumes due to sorus production but it is not as extensive as that observed with common bunt. Symptoms are most readily detected on seed after harvest. The black sorus, containing dusty spores is evident on part or all of the seed, commonly occurring along the crease. Heavily infected seed is fragile and the pericarp ruptures easily. The foul, fishy odour associated with common bunt is also   foun with   karna bunt.   Th odou is   cause by   the   production  of trimethylamine by the fungus. Seed that is not extensively infected may germinate and produce healthy plants. (Plate 6)

Disease Cycle

Karnal bunt is a seed or soil borne, floral infecting disease inoculum (teliospores) on or near the soil surface germinates, producing sporidia, which are carried by wind to the floral structures. These sporidia in turn germinate and penetrate the glumes, rachis, or the ovary itself. The fungus enters the newly formed kernel and develops in the intercellular space between the endosperm and seed coat. The degree of disease establishment and development depends on environmental conditions from spike emergence through grain filling.

ü  Grow resistant varieties viz., WH 896, WH 912 and PBW 502
ü  One spray of propiconazole (Tilt 25EC@ 0.1%) should be given before or at earhead emergence stage.
ü  Integration of one spray of propiconazole with one spray of bioagent fungus,
Trichoderma viride (0.4% suspension) manage the disease effectively.
ü  Chemical control should be adopted mostly in seed production plots. Seed treatment with Thiram @2g /kg seed for seed borne inoclum.

Hill bunt - Rough spored bunt
Causal Organism:  Tilletia caries

The fungus attacks seedling of 8-10 days old and become systemic and grows along the tip of shoot. At the time of flowering hyphae concentrate in the inflorescence and spikelets and transforming the ovary into smut sorus of dark green color with masses ochlamydospores  / teliospores. The diseased plants mature earlier and all the spikelets are affected. (Plate 7)

Reticulate, globose and rough walled. No resting period. Germinate to produce primary spordia which unite to form H’ shaped structure.

Disease Cycle
Th spore on   the seed surface germinate along with the seed. Each produces a short fungal thread terminating in a cluster of elongated cells and then produces secondary spores which infect the coleoptiles of the  young  seedlings  before the emergence of the first true leaves.   The mycelium grows internally within the shoot infecting the developing ear. It is externally seed borne and affected plants develop apparently normally until the ear emerges when it can be seen that grain sites have been replaced by bunt balls.In damp soil, spores usually germinate and then, in the absence of the host plant, die. However, in dry seasons, they may survive in the soil (especially if they are protected within the glumes of shed ears) from the harvesting of one crop to the sowing of the next. Wind blown spores, particularly from late-harvested crops, can contaminate neighboring fields which may present bare soil ready for planting the next crop.

Hill bunt - Smooth spored bunt
Causal Organism:  Tilletia foetida

The fungus attacks the seedling of 8-10 days old and become systemic and grows along the tip of the shoot. At the time of flowering, hyphae concentrate in the inflorescence and spikelets and transforming the ovary into smut sorus of dark green colour with masses of chlamydospores. The diseased plants mature earlier and the spikelets are affected. (Plate 8)

Reticulate,  Teliospores  globuse  and  smooth  walled.  No  resting  period.
Germinate to produce primary spordia which unite to form ‘H’ shaped structure.

Favourable conditions
Temperature of 18-20˚C. High soil moisture.

Disease Cycle
Bunballs  that  breaduring  harvest  contaminate  seeand  soil.  When infested seeds are sown bunt spores germinate, and the fungus infects the growing point of the wheat seedling. Following infection of the young seedling the fungus grows within the plant, generally without producing symptoms, until the head develops. When new seed begins to develop in the head, the fungus replaces the tissues of the developing seed with its own spores. Bunt can survive in soil for at least a year and for many years on seed. The fungus is externally seed borne.


ü  Treat the seeds with carboxin or carbendazim @ 2g/kg.
ü  Grow the crop during high temperature period.
ü  Adopt shallow sowing.
ü  Grow resistant varieties like HS 507.

Powdery mildew
Causal Organism:  Erysiphe graminis var. tritici

Greyish white powdery growth appears on the leaf, sheath, stem and floral parts. Powdery growth later become black and cause drying of leaves and other parts. (Plate 9)

Fungus produces septate, superficial, hyaline mycelium on leaf surface with short conidiophores. The conidia are elliptical, hyaline, single celled, thin walled and

produced in chains. Dark globose cleistothecia containing 9-30 asci develop with oblong, hyaline and thinwalled ascospores.

Favourable conditions
The optimum temperature ranging from 15 to 200C, relative humidity 24 to
75% favours infection.

Disease Cycle
The primary inoculum is spores on volunteer wheat or spores within cleistothecia. The pathogen perpetuate in the soil or in the disease debris in the form of perithecia. The large number of conidia produced on the diseased leaves serve  as  secondary  inoculum  that  causes  the  infection  on  the  healthy  leaves. Primary infection is by thascospores and  secondary spreathrougairborne conidia.

ü  Resistance source WH 896, WH 912, WH 542;
ü  Balanced fertility (avoid high nitrogen).
ü  Burning of crop debris and deep summer ploughing helps in eliminating the inoculum.
ü  Crop rotation helps in minimizing the disease incidence.
ü  Foliar spray of sulfex (0.2%) at the appearance of the disease and repeat after 10-15 days.
ü  One spray of propiconazole (Tilt 25 EC@ 0.1 %) on disease appearance (which  usually  occurs  during  early  March  in  northern  plains)  is  highly effective.

Causal Organism:  Anguina tritici (Nematode) + Clavibacter tritici

The tundu disease is characterized by the twisting of the stem, distortion of the ear head and rotting of the spikelets with a profuse oozing of yellow liquid from the affected tissues. The ooze contains masses of bacterial cells. The nematode alone causes wrinkling, twisting and various other distortion of the leaves, stem and produce small round galls on the leaves. The infected plants are shorter and thicker than healthy plants. In the distorted earheads dark galls are found in place of kernels.  When  the  bacterium  is  associated  with  the  nematode,  the  disease symptoms are intensified at the flowering stage and yellow ear rot sets in due to combined action of the nematode and bacterium. The earhead becomes chaffy and the kernels are replaced by dark nematode galls which also contain the bacterium. The infected plants produce more tillers than the healthy ones. Another interesting feature is the early emergence of ears in the nematode infected plants which is about 30 to 40 days earlier than the healthy ones. (Plate 10)

Favourable condtions
These nematodes are spread through seed galls in the seed lots during planting and harvesting. Wet weather favours larval movement and infestation. The nematode  invades  the  crown  and  basal  stem  area,  finallpenetrating  floral primordia. This leads to formation of nematode galls in ear heads.

Disease Cycle

The disease starts from the seeds contaminated with the nematode galls. When such contaminated seeds are sown in the field, they absorb moisture from the soil and the larvae (juveniles) escape from the galls and climb upon the young wheat plants. At the time of flowering, the nematodes enter the floral parts and form galls in the ovaries. When once the nematode is inside the tissues of the ovary, the bacterium becomes active and causes rotting. The yellow ooze coming out of the rotting earhead provides the inoculum for the secondary spread of the disease which is favoured by wind and rain. The nematode probably functions as a vector transporting the bacterium to otherwise inaccessible meristematic regions of the host.  The  nematodes  secrete  some  substances  in  the  presence  of  the  host bacterium which can remain viable for atleast 5 years in the galls of A. tritici. The nematode galls are reported to remain in the soil for 20 years or more and the bacterium can also survive for the same period inside the nematode gall.


ü    Sow gall free seeds. Separate the galls from the seed by floating in 2 to 5 per cent brine (NaCl) solution. The galls, which float on the surface, can be easily separated and destroyed away from the fields. The seed thus cleaned should be washed with fresh water and used for sowing.
ü   Wheat, barley or oat should not be sown in the infested soil.
ü   Spray the crop with streptocycline @ 1g in 10 liters of water.
ü   Apply Temik 10G @ 20kg/ha or Aldicarb sulphon  @ 2kg ai or Carbofuron
@1.5kg ai /ha at the time of planting or before planting in severely infested fields.

Black Point
Causal Organism:  Alternaria alternata, Alternaria spp

Disease causes blackening of embryonic region of the seed (black point), discoloration of area beyond the embryonic region (black discoloration). (Plate 11)

Favourable conditions
The warm and humid weather at grain filling or near maturity favors this disease.


ü  This disease is of minor importance. Only when the disease percentage is high, it causes concern to the trader and the consumer. The discolored seeds are mostly shrivelled and they are separated out during processing.


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